OMG did I deserve this???? Would you have done this to me? - wedgie catch girls
OMG, IM in the 7th Class and I am a dancer. 2 weeks ago I was dancing, and there are many "groups" of young girls, with great rivalry and I am a part of one, and how we do things like give wedgie pants in the other groups, etc. It is crazy, but only in the locker room when the teacher does not catch us. In any case, it was a girl whos not part of a group that she is really shy, and although he never has anything for me, I hate when they pantsed left the clubhouse in shorts, because we can dance in shorts and OMG, I accidentally pulled her panties with his pants, lol! many girls have seen, and saw the teacher, so he started to cry! My teacher called my mother and I just dance ban for 2 weeks because of this, and my mother is still paying more for that time, it was really crazy, OMG, when I go home, not only on land, but I learned a lesson that the old! It hurts, OMG! Did I deserve this? I mean, ok, I lost a few pantsed, big deal! I'm too old for this, right?
Your a jerk and he deserved his people like you who start the war
Your a jerk and he deserved his people like you who start the war
You have certainly earned. You talk like you and your group are all b ***** s, as they grow, they never did anything for you, what was the point where it Pantsing?
BTW, do you say shes a loser, just because she is shy and not part of the immature games?
I know this might sound silly, but Pantsing is sexual harassment
You can set this (although I doubt it got free)
But go back and apologized to the girl and her teacher
because he did not intend to demolish their tights on
learn from their mistakes
and when placed in a small Down Low
Wow, you do not have sympathy for, what you have done? The girl will remember for the rest of his life. And all I got was recently suspended and lost?
Expect to be incredibly embarrassing. You want to think of the punishment that I am the person who made you, then you could take a look at the understanding
Thank you soooooo deserve it! You and your friends are rude and immature people who lack the morals at all! Maybe people should think about how others feel something before you do anything that might harm them? "Who your friends are total b ****** s and it earns 100%
It's just a little kid has never harmed. Got it? Also ask yourself why the hate on the poor girl. You look like a Barbie selfish. Her mother had to give right to a traditional doctrine. Maybe I should give more than in his younger years.
Like serioulsy grow up. I understand that in the 7th Class, and the matter is the 7th Years to do, but it was worth it? He pulled down his trousers and girls innocent shhiit beyond embarrassing, it is worth losing the ball? Think before you act next time.
Like serioulsy grow up. I understand that in the 7th Class, and the matter is the 7th Years to do, but it was worth it? He pulled down his trousers and girls innocent shhiit beyond embarrassing, it is worth losing the ball? Think before you act next time.
Like serioulsy grow up. I understand that in the 7th Class, and the matter is the 7th Years to do, but it was worth it? He pulled down his trousers and girls innocent shhiit beyond embarrassing, it is worth losing the ball? Think before you act next time.
some losers, I think you are the losers. So you think you're on the ball because you're better than others. I hope that one day you pantsed in front of a gym together and everyone could print his mother of his big fat hand **... see Yes, you're a real winner.
is so bad !!!!!!!!!!! It's terrible, how can a person do something for you? hate? * Sigh * It's probably one of the OMG as if, like the sale of SHOESS OMG! And do the same 2 +2 Quesadilla LIKE OMG I NEED TO MY GMOs as nails! LIKE OMG! Valley Girls ridiculous snob. You deserve it all the way! Meanie! So im in grade 6, I'm smaller than you ever thought about of doing it to anyone! You probably know in a right to know who is calling you stupid posh valley girl, but that his act! and you deserve it!
"I mean, ok, I lost a few pantsed, big deal, I'm too old for this, right?"
Yes, you're too old for this kind of behavior. Bully nasty little spoiled. I permanently banned, so be happy.
They are horrible! I think he deserves it! Pantsing someone in front of many people are horrible! How would you feel if someone you pansted? Huh?
But I think it was a mistake for her mother to do what he did for the former.
They should be forced to publicly apologize to this girl before all other students. Either apologize or be expelled. What he did was serious, and the evil.
I think spanking is a long time.
and if u h8 it nothing 2 U? that's just cruel if you do not many friends in dance and humiliated probably afraid, b 2 go 2 dance again! I can not believe that U and U totally deserve the consequences of 110%. wow. this is terrible.
It will hurt herself if she's alone and not part of a group.
What does unnesecary was immature and stupid.
In other words, yes, you've earned.
Uh no
God told her she had nothing to you
so that the pants and not his
They hate for no reason
WOW this is an important reason
If you derserve
Not if you are old enough to take a baby out of her panties on a poor girl, then a baby enough to get a spanking too. Well done for your mother. Grow up and stop "hating" people who do not know.
Not if you are old enough to take a baby out of her panties on a poor girl, then a baby enough to get a spanking too. Well done for your mother. Grow up and stop "hating" people who do not know.
Not if you are old enough to take a baby out of her panties on a poor girl, then a baby enough to get a spanking too. Well done for your mother. Grow up and stop "hating" people who do not know.
Ha wow their numbers on the 7th Class, because they act like .... She acted as a student of the 5th there. Having grown up a little. If you are high school, I know you will beat your *** and would do the same.
Yes - he deserved.
You do not want, whether that is the case.
"I mean, ok, I pantsed some losers," and sounds like a real nice person right?
No, you deserve it. They are off-da! @ # H! I know they are only 12 or whatever, but that does not belong. I have the same thing, my son!
No, you deserve it. They are off-da! @ # H! I know they are only 12 or whatever, but that does not belong. I have the same thing, my son!
You've earned it. You are a boor. Looks like you lose.
I think he deserves it .........
I am a student of the seventh and I dance, and if one of us knows what will happen! We are all like one family .... You need to be better!
very immature about what to do and I am sure that the victim in this incident did not believe that it was "no big deal." Deserves to be punished.
You're so immature! YES! You deserve it!
You sound like a child. Apologize, the girl and not like that's all acting.
You earn 100%.
sounds like a ***** It's definitely got what she deserved.
sounds like a ***** It's definitely got what she deserved.
he deserved that 100% for a child to someone who does not deserve.
def diserved it!
WOW Yourr one *****
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